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Dog & Dave sort of Save Christmas is a comic book I wrote in 2012/13 and came off the back of some short comic strips of Dog & Dave that I used to post online.


This was my first "proper" attempt at a comic, and it was originally hand drawn on A3 board in ink.


After it's first release, which didn't really go to plan, I realised that I wasn't happy with the final result and a few years later decided that it needed some major jazzing up - after all, it was too good a story to let it be forgotten!


So... I decided to re-drew the entire comic, as by this time, my style had developed immensely. It's now available for digital download in my shop, and well worth a peek if you're into Christmas as much as I am!


Here's the synopsis and some of the artwork below...


What happened to you the last time you slept through your alarm clock and were extremely late for work?


I bet it wasn't nearly as crazy as what happened to Dave, and I bet you didn't (sort of) save Christmas as a result of it!


Join Dave and his trusty side-kick Dog, on this rip-roaring no pants wearing accidental Christmas saving (sort of!) adventure!

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